Calvary Baptist Church
Welcomes You.
Church at a Glance
A Bit of Background
CBC is a gospel-preaching ministry where believers gather around God's inspired word for instruction and insight into godly living. We are dedicated to carrying out the Great Commission both at home and abroad.
Our ministry began under the effective leadership of Pastor Donald Barnard. He was a courageous and godly man who served until the Lord called him home in 2011. During the last few years of his ministry, he received able help from Bro. Les Powell. Bro. Powell served as pastor until 2017. Today, our pastor is Johnnie Crawford. Pastor Crawford has an extensive background in Christian service having previously worked in camping ministry, Christian education, as a youth pastor, choir director, and assistant pastor.
Let your speech be with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Colossians 4:6
Contact Calvary Baptist Church
6320 Sandy Creek Rd
Loganville, Walton County 30052